St. Thomas 

Syro Malabar Catholic Church of San Francisco


Monday - Thursday



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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

November 16th, 2020

Today (Nov 16th, 2020) California Governor moved Counties including Santa Clara and Alameda into purple rating due to the surge in COVID-19 cases. Under this rating we are not allowed to hold indoor public Holy Qurbana. Given these directions from the State and County, we will strictly be celebrating private Holy Qurbana until further notice and request that you continue to participate through Live Streaming.

As a result, we are suspending the 4 PM in-person Holy Qubana on Sunday's. Also, we will not be restarting the Sunday 4:30 PM Holy Qurbana at the St Teresa mission until the current situation changes. We will continue to Live Stream all Adoration & Holy Qurbana to YouTube & Facebook and all Live Streaming details can be found on our website at

We are always available if you need any form of spiritual assistance and please feel free to contact us.

March 18th, 2020

Given the recent directions from State, County and our Diocese, I want to reiterate that we will strictly be celebrating private Holy Qurbana only, and ask that you continue to participate through live streaming. We will alter the weekday Qurbana times to start 30 min early. I would also encourage you to stay together in family prayer and reading the Holy Bible at least 15 minutes after the Qurbana at your home.

Weekdays Schedule

• Adoration: 6 to 7 pm (on Fridays we will do Way of Cross also during this time)

• Holy Qurbana: 7 to 7:45 pm

Saturday Schedule

• Adoration 9 am to 9.30 am

• Holy Qurbana: 9.30 am

Sunday Schedule

• Adoration 9 am to 9.30 am

• Holy Qurbana: 9.30 am

All these changes will apply until further notice. We will closely monitor the situation, and keep you updated on any changes to this plan.

We will continue to provide live streaming on all days so that you can attend from home. Let us pray as one family and dedicate our prayers to the health of our community, speedy recovery of people who are affected, for the people serving in healthcare, and for the medical professionals to find a cure for this. So, I encourage you to join all the services in our parish spiritually.

On March 19, Thursday, we are commemorating the feast of St. Joseph, patron of fathers, families and Universal Church. Let us seek the intercession of St. Joseph to protect the whole world from the threat of Coronavirus. Let us remember that our forefathers put faith in special prayers to St. Sebastian and All Saints Litany to overcome the disasters of famine, war, and pestilence.

I am always available if you need any form of spiritual assistance. Please feel free to contact me at (630) 286 3767.

With Prayers,

Fr. George Danavelil

Links to attend our Qurbana via live streaming:

Directly on Facebook:

Streaming on church website:

"The LORD is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does. The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfils the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them".

Psalm 145:17-19

March 17th, 2020

March 14th, 2020

Over the last 2 days, the threat of Coronavirus spread has escalated, and there have been several directives from Santa Clara County and Federal & State governments regarding gathering of people for non-essential activities. 

The safety and health of our community is the highest priority for us. In light of the current situation, we have decided to celebrate the Holy Qurbana with only few essential staff (such as the altar ministers) who are needed to conduct the Holy Qurbana. Our Sunday service will start with adoration at 9am followed by Holy Qurbana at 9:30am. There will only be one Holy Qurbana starting this Sunday 03/15. We will live stream the Holy Qurbana on church’s Facebook page and church website (on Fridays and Sundays), so you can attend from home. Links are provided below. You can also attend the Holy Qurbana on Shalom TV, or EWTN. 

On weekdays, as usual, there will be Holy Qurbana and 1 hour adoration before the Qurbana for the victims of Coronavirus.  

Our Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath has removed the obligation to attend mass on Sundays and Holy Days during this period of Emergency. We ask that you stay home and use one of the options above to attend mass and not come to the church. We need to follow this to ensure that we adhere to the gathering limits imposed by Santa Clara county. In case you need to join the Holy Qurbana in person in our church for any special intention or need, kindly contact me.

We are also suspending CCD classes and all other events and meetings. We will NOT be having the Parish Council meeting and Pothuyogam in March as announced earlier. Our Perunaal which was planned for April 19th is moved to Jul 5th.  

All these changes will apply until further notice. We will closely monitor the situation, and keep you updated on any changes to this plan. 

If you are in need of any form of assistance during this crisis period, please get in touch with your ward leaders or the Agape Ministry (, and we will find a way to get you help.   

Let us pray for the speedy recovery of people who are affected, and for the medical professionals to find a cure for this. 

Links to attend our Qurbana via live streaming (Only Fri & Sun at Qurbana time): 

Directly on Facebook: 

Streaming on church website:

Links to Shalom TV & EWTN:

Shalom TV -


March 13th, 2020

Considering the heightened concerns around Coronavirus as well as guidance from CA state & Santa Clara county, we are making some changes to minimize the gathering.

The Lent Fri service on Fri Mar 13th AND the upcoming Lent Fridays will have only the Holy Qurbana and we will NOT conduct the Way of the Cross. Also, we will NOT be serving food on Fridays. We will continue this until further notice.

As per the recommendation of our Bishop, we are observing tomorrow as a prayer day, and we will have Eucharistic Adoration starting at 6.30 pm at our church. You may join it spiritually from your own home, and after that, there will be Holy Qurbana at 7.30 pm. Let us continue the practice of the Way of the Cross prayer from our own home at least every Friday during this Lent season. Let us remember we are cancelling the prayer services only at the church and not from our own life.

If you’re above the age of 60 or have physical conditions that affect your immunity or have children under age of 5, I strongly recommend you stay home and attend the Holy Qurbana in Shalom TV, or EWTN.

We are closing monitoring the situation and following the guidance issued by the government and the county to protect our community. We will provide you with regular updates on any changes to service.

March 13th, 2020

March 9th, 2020

March 8th, 2020

Due to heightened concerns around Coronavirus, we will be giving the Holy Communion only in hand.